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This link leads to an article written by Jonathan Block discussing the connection between technology addiction and anxiety found in college students. Alejandro Ileras PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Illinois interviews 300 college students. These students are asked about their mobile and internet usage and how they think it affects their lives in negative ways mentally. Ileras' wanted to also determine if "addictive and self- destructive behavior with phones and the Internet was correlated with mental health issues".

This article written by Scott Matteson shows statistics about the way cell phones have had effects on social lives. Matteson talks about real life situations that happen frequently. For example, he talks about when people are in an elevator together and instead of beginning a conversation, they stare down at their phones. The numbers Matteson provides are extraordinary and shocking for the reader. Those who want to see how easily addiction to technology can affect should read this article.

Luke Ameen talks about the danger of texting and driving in this article. He provides statistics about texting and driving, stats that prove how dangerous an addiction to technology can be while you operate a vehicle. The numbers are shocking and upsetting but this article awakens us and makes us aware of the dangers of using our phones when we drive. Thousands of people are killed each year and accidents that involved the improper use of a phone or other device and this article uses different tactics to get the reader to realize that it is their duty to be responsible with their devices.

This website provides many links to articles that talk about the various problems and disorders that technology can cause. It talks about health, depression, distractions, relationships, and other things that help us go through life. Reading articles from websites such as this make readers aware of things to be aware of when they use their devices. For example, if they read the article about neck strain, it may remind them that it is a good idea for them to sit in a chair when they use their laptop instead of lying in their beds. The article about vision problems may get them to turn down the brightness on their device, especially in a dark room. These articles help the reader be aware of the dangers and risk of using technology.

This website on the Huffington Post mainly talks about how technology affects our relationships. Technology is known to cause isolation and separation between people. It can literally cause a change in our genes and it is very dangerous in relationships. Maintaining a solid and happy relationship with someone whether it is your spouse or just a regular friend takes the effort of interacting in person and using our mouths to speak instead of our phones to text. It is important to set the devices and screens to the side when the time comes to spend time with those who you care about and those who care about you. The time for texting and Instagram is when you are planning on meeting or when you are trying to find something to do. There is never a time for when you are with someone you love to be going through Facebook or Instagram because you are "bored."

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